Attendance and Punctuality
The school has responsibility for monitoring attendance and lateness and sharing this information with the Local Authority.
Punctuality is extremely important. It is of vital importance to children’s confidence, esteem and sense of belonging that they start their day by entering school at the allocated time with members of their class.
School doors are closed by staff, once the children have come in for safety purposes. If you are unavoidably late for school you are required to sign your child in at the main entrance, providing a reason for lateness. Late arrivals of 30 minutes after the start of the school day must be marked as unauthorised absences.
If a child is absent from school then a telephone call on the morning of the absence is required. Holidays in term time cannot be authorised by the school. Where permission for an absence during term time is requested, due to exceptional circumstances, a request form can be completed online via the parents’ area of the school website. It is vital for processing purposes that all relevant details are included in the request.
Term time unauthorised holidays will be referred to the Local Authority and may result in a Local Authority fixed penalty fine of £60 per parent per child if paid within 21 days. The fine increases to £120 if unpaid within 21 days.
Mrs Wilkinson, our Pastoral Manager works closely with our Education Welfare link worker to monitor attendance.
The attendance policy is available on the school website.
Our whole school target for attendance is 97%
Absence Data for Key Stage 1 - Academic Year 2018 - 2019
Attendance 96.3%
Absence 3.7%
Attendance percentages made easy
Attendance Percentage Days absent from school over a full academic year
100% Zero days absent
97% 5.5 days absent
95% 9.5 days absent
93% 13 days absent
90% 19 days absent
88% 22 days, equivalent to over 4 weeks absence
27 days, equivalent to over 5 weeks absence
The staff cannot be held responsible for children on the premises outside of school hours. An adult should accompany children to and from school. Children will not be released from school without an identified adult present. The security of our children is the highest priority. Digital locks are provided on all doors and a visitors’ book is in the entrance foyer. A security fence surrounds the perimeter of school.
If it is known a child will be absent due to a visit to the doctor or dentist, please inform the school office and class teacher in advance. Please ensure that the child is collected and returned to school by a responsible adult and signed out and in to the building. Please attempt to make appointments outside of school hours wherever possible.