Safeguarding and Welfare at Banks Lane Infant and Nursery School
The welfare and safety of our children is of paramount importance. We have rigorous safeguarding procedures to follow if a child is considered to be at risk or posing concerns. Parents are asked to sign a safeguarding agreement when the child starts school.
Under the Stockport Families initiative, we work closely with our named link social worker, Erika Hayton and School Age Plus worker, Mohammed Yasin. Mrs Wilkinson, our school based Pastoral Manager also works with a range of services and agencies and is available most mornings in the main entrance hall for parental support and advice.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs L Wilkinson and the Deputy Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Newson and Mrs Lisa Wilkinson. Our Safeguarding Governor is Mrs L Chadbourne.
Our Safeguarding Policy can be found in our Policy section.
Please inform school instantly of any contact changes such as mobile telephone numbers or change of address. It is vital that we have up to date information and can contact parents easily. We ask for contact details also for additional family members or close family friends and it is essential that we hold at least 3 emergency contacts for each child on our system.
Valuables and jewellery should not be brought into school and teachers cannot be held responsible for them or any accidents connected with them. Simple studs may be worn for pierced ears, for which parents must take responsibility.
Infant children must be escorted to and from school by an adult each day. Entry to and exit from school is supervised by school staff. We ask, for safety reasons that parents do not enter the building with their children. Any access should be by arrangement and via the front office.
School has a robust Health and Safety policy, which all staff, volunteers and visitors are expected to adhere to. Regular site checks for all Health and Safety matters, including a full annual Occupational Health and Safety audit are carried out by arrangement with Local Authority providers. Mrs Newson, Mrs Townsend and Mrs Hamilton and our Health & Safety governor is Mrs McDonald.
Pupil safety, such as e-safety, stranger awareness, road safety, fire safety, sun safety and NSPPC ‘Speak out and Stay Safe’ assemblies are all addressed through our extensive PSHE curriculum.
We have a particular problem with access for cars. Governors, Police and School have agreed the following code of conduct.
If at all possible leave your car at home or park a distance away
We ask parents to sign a Travel to School Agreement
Under the Stockport Families initiative, we work closely with our named link social worker, Erika Hayton and School Age Plus worker, Mohammed Yasin. Mrs Wilkinson, our school based Pastoral Manager also works with a range of services and agencies and is available most mornings in the main entrance hall for parental support and advice.
Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Mrs L Wilkinson and the Deputy Safeguarding Leads are Mrs Newson and Mrs Lisa Wilkinson. Our Safeguarding Governor is Mrs L Chadbourne.
Our Safeguarding Policy can be found in our Policy section.
Please inform school instantly of any contact changes such as mobile telephone numbers or change of address. It is vital that we have up to date information and can contact parents easily. We ask for contact details also for additional family members or close family friends and it is essential that we hold at least 3 emergency contacts for each child on our system.
Valuables and jewellery should not be brought into school and teachers cannot be held responsible for them or any accidents connected with them. Simple studs may be worn for pierced ears, for which parents must take responsibility.
Infant children must be escorted to and from school by an adult each day. Entry to and exit from school is supervised by school staff. We ask, for safety reasons that parents do not enter the building with their children. Any access should be by arrangement and via the front office.
School has a robust Health and Safety policy, which all staff, volunteers and visitors are expected to adhere to. Regular site checks for all Health and Safety matters, including a full annual Occupational Health and Safety audit are carried out by arrangement with Local Authority providers. Mrs Newson, Mrs Townsend and Mrs Hamilton and our Health & Safety governor is Mrs McDonald.
Pupil safety, such as e-safety, stranger awareness, road safety, fire safety, sun safety and NSPPC ‘Speak out and Stay Safe’ assemblies are all addressed through our extensive PSHE curriculum.
We have a particular problem with access for cars. Governors, Police and School have agreed the following code of conduct.
- Please park as far away from the school as possible – parking space around school is limited. There is also a large car park on Banks Lane.
- Do not block the school gateway at any time of the day. This is for staff and authorised access only. Please show respect for our neighbours and do not obstruct drives, park in resident parking bays or park on grass verges.
- Parents and children should not enter the staff car park.
- Scooters and cycles should be locked up in the cycle storage area and not used in the playground.
- School cannot be responsible for any scooters or cycles left on the premises.
If at all possible leave your car at home or park a distance away
We ask parents to sign a Travel to School Agreement